Don't ask about the title. It's the opening for an anime I like. I couldn't think of anything interesting to put as the top.
Adelais (My Secret of the Solstice account) is level 34 now. Takes forever. As soon as I hit level 66, though, I can change my class to a rogue. Yay! What sucks though, is that the assassin (the next stage) is over done in the costume sense. It has claws like Wolverine! Oh well... The only ones with a cool final stage is a mage and an acolyte (Either way you chose to go).
I suppose I could always be a scout, but they're weird and weak.
School starts tomorrow, so less time for leveling. I'll do my best!
We have a fasion show in French on Wednesday... T_T. Save me.
Actually, it sounds fun, but it also seems stupid. We dress in outlandish outfits and parade around the theatre room, while our classmates describe our apparell in French... Blah...
So bad news.
The nest I mentioned earlier was abandoned, and completely covered in snow a couple days ago. Something must have happened to the mother. Sad.
The eggs are dead now.
Haven't seen any more birds nests around our property, though the birds have been plentiful.
I have a song stuck in my head : La Vie Boheme, from the movie RENT. Great movie. One of my favorites...
Anyway, sorry I haven't blogged for a couple days, guys! ^.^ Talk to you all tomorrow.
I'm gonna do one more post tonight tho.
hi, hope you're feeling better today. looking forward to more posts. call me about the drivers ed and summertime updates.